Seagate Hfs+ Driver For Pc Download

Modified Dec 2, 2017
Windows VersionWindows

Should I proceed with installing the Paragon HFS+ driver from Seagate's site? FYI this is the same PC for which I had a thread about the optical drive not visible.


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Seagate Hfs+ Driver For Pc Download

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RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and improve PC performance

A number of Mac owners have installed Windows on their Macs for a variety of reasons. While some users have installed Windows on Mac without the Boot Camp Assistant software, most users have installed Windows using the native Boot Camp Assistant software.

If you have installed Windows 1o/8 on Mac with or without the help of Boot Camp, you probably are aware of the fact that one can’t write to Mac’s partition from Windows with default settings. That is, while you can open a file located on the Mac’s partition, you can’t edit and save a file located on Mac’s partition.

This also means that you can copy files from Mac partition to Windows but can’t copy or move a file to Mac partition while using Windows operating system. This is because Apple has included read-only HFS+ driver with Boot Camp and it lets you only copy and open files saved on Mac’s HFS+ partition.

Hfs+ Driver For Windows


Whenever you attempt to copy a file to Mac’s partition, you see Destination Folder Access Denied dialog box with “You need permission to perform this action” message. Even though this certainly provides a better security for Mac OS X, you can’t write to Mac’s partition without adding HFS+ write support to Windows.

There are plenty of applications out there to enable write support but most of them either don’t work and the programs that work aren’t free.

Paragon HFS+ driver for Windows 10 and 8.1

Mac users who have installed Windows 10/8.1 on their Macs can now download HFS+ driver for free of cost. Yes, Paragon Software has recently released free HFS+ driver for Windows 10/8.1 to help users easily copy and move files to Mac’s partition from Windows 10/8.1.

The good thing is that you can add HFS+ full support to Windows 10/8.1 by simply installing this HFS+ driver and don’t need to configure at all. Visit the download link mentioned at the end of this article, download HFS+ driver for Windows 8/8.1, and then install the same. Once installed, you’ll be asked to perform a reboot to add HFS+ support.

After installing HFS+ driver in Windows 10/8.1, you can copy and move files to and from your Mac’s drive without any errors and restrictions. Please note that HFS+ driver for Windows 10/8.1 doesn’t support Windows 7 and you need to purchase HFS+ driver for Windows 7, meaning Paragon HFS+ driver for Windows 7 isn’t free.

Seagate Hfs+ Driver For Pc

Download HFS+ driver

Seagate Driver Download

NOTE: Although HFS+ driver for Windows 10/8.1 from Paragon Software is free, you need to provide your email ID in order to receive free license key. While installing the HFS+ driver, you’ll see a screen asking product key and serial number. Simply click Get free serial button, type your email ID and click send button to receive serial number and serial number.